


Green tea is recognised as a healthy beverage and is considered  one  of  the most  promising  dietary  agents for  the prevention and  treatment  of  many diseases.

Loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body, Green tea is stated to contain Bioactive Compounds that improve health by providing protection against stroke, certain liver diseases, some bacterial infections and lowers the risk of osteoporosis. The ‘polyphenolic fraction’ found in green tea, as per researchers is stated to protect human body against inflammation caused by certain chemicals also. The interest in promulgating green tea as a cancer preventive agent for humans is increasing worldwide, because it is non-toxic and it is effective in wide range of organs. Consumption of green tea is considered practical and effective cancer preventive both before cancer onset and after cancer treatment as stated in many research articles.


Coronary heart disease is reported to be most prevalent in the Western world, probably due to the  diet pattern which is  high in  saturated  fats  and  low  physical activity,  and  the presence of a significantly large  proportion  of  population  who smoke cigarettes and have high blood pressure.  A variety of epidemiologic studies in such areas have shown the preventive effect of green tea consumption against certain diseases like atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. Green  Tea consumption  has  also been  shown  in some medical research, to reduce  the  risk of  high  blood cholesterol concentration  and  high  blood  pressure.


Bell and Goodrick [Bell SJ, Goodrick GKA. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr 2002; 42: 163-178] reported that overweight or obesity is strongly associated with complications  such  as  type-II  diabetes  mellitus,  hypertension,  heart  disease,  gall  bladder disease,  and  sleep  apnea.  In the article published,   nutrients  like  low GI foods,  5-HTP, chromium,  and  green tea  extract have been  mentioned as – ‘may promote weight  loss’.  The article also states that green tea increases the 24-hr energy expenditure and contributes to fat loss in weight reduction rather than loss of lean tissue.

This is why Green tea  is being  consumed everyday by millions  of  people  around  the  world  since  ancient  times  in  order  to  maintain  and  improve health.


We produce green tea at our estate, maintaining the freshness of the tea garden in the tea leaves. Every pack of our green tea contains natural antioxidants that come directly from the garden. The tea leaves are not dried much so that it contains the natural essence which any quality green tea should have. We pack the green tea for final consumption after all types of quality checking. We promise to deliver the best quality green tea for our valuable consumers.


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